School Performance
SATS – What are they?
National Curriculum Tests (SATs) are taken in May by pupils during their final year in Key Stage 2. They provide a snapshot of your child’s progress at that moment in time. They cannot be “passed” or “failed”, but simply provide an indication of your child’s attainment.
What changes to the Assessment System have been made over recent years?
There have been a number of changes to the SAT tests over recent years due to the new curriculum that all pupils in primary school now study. These tests in English and maths are to assess attainment in the new National Curriculum and are more rigorous than under the previous system. In addition, a new system of reporting the results of the tests replaced the previous system of reporting national curriculum levels. Instead of gaining a level such as level 3, 4 or 5 as was the case in previous years, children are awarded a scaled score based on the raw score they achieve in the tests. A scaled score of 100 would mean your child’s attainment is at the expected standard for the end of Key Stage 2. However, the raw score needed to achieve this varies between subjects and between years; it will not be decided by the Standards and Testing Agency (STA) until after the tests have been taken and marked.
SATs Results – Information for Parents
The government has decided that the expected standard for the end of Key Stage 2 under this new system should be more demanding than under the previous system. Consequently there may be some children who do not score highly enough to reach the new expected standard that under the previous system of levels would have achieved a Level 4.
What is Tested?
Each year, your child will be involved in a reading comprehension test, maths test and the grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Science is no longer tested at the end of KS2; however a small percentage of schools will have to undertake a sampling test.
In line with the Government commissioned report into testing in schools, children no longer sit a writing “test” in year 6. Instead Teacher Assessment is used to assess writing, and this is based on evidence from day-to-day work throughout the year. Writing is externally moderated to ensure accuracy of assessments.
There are three main possible outcomes as a result of this assessment:
-‘Working towards the expected standard.’
-‘Working at the expected standard.’
-‘Working at greater depth within the expected standard.’
Teacher Assessment
As well as their SATs results, you will be informed of your child’s attainment based upon the on-going teacher assessments and tests undertaken throughout the year. This information will be provided to parents before the end of the summer term. (From summer 2018)
Please access information about our school's performance from the information below.
Ofsted Report
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
They help providers that are not yet of good standard to improve, monitor their progress and share with them the best practice we find.
Ofsted's goal is to achieve excellence in education and skills for learners of all ages, and in the care of children and young people.
Our latest report is below.
The North Cotes Church of England Primary School 10048216 PDF Final | [pdf 242KB] |
Department for Education Performance Tables
You can use performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) to compare schools in your area. You can check:
- exam and test results
- financial information
- Ofsted reports
Please click on the link below to access information about North Cotes CE Primary School.
SATs Results
SATs are national tests that children currently sit twice during their time at primary school - once after the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) and again at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6).
Please select the document below to view our latest results.
SIAMS Report
The SIAMS inspection focuses on aspects of the school which make it distinctive as a Church school. The overall purpose of this inspection is to answer the question: ‘How distinctive and effective is the school as a Church school?’
The inspection and following report comment on and grade four key questions:
- How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
- What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
- How effective is Religious Education?
- How effective are the leadership and management of the school, as a Church school?
North Cotes SIAMS Report January 2016 | [pdf 102KB] |