Open the Book


Once a month we are joined for Collective Worship by our Open the Book team. The children and staff look forward to their visit and thoroughly enjoy taking part in the Bible story for the month.


                 Our timetable for the Open the Book team:

Date Open the Book Story
19.09.19 Samuel Hears a Voice
17.10.19 David the Giant Killer
14.11.19 The Wise King
12.12.19 The Wise Men's Visit
16.01.20 Jonah the Groaner
13.02.20 Daniel and the Lions
12.03.20 A Tme to Build
23.04.20 The Boy in the Temple
21.05.20 Jesus is Baptised
18.06.20 Jesus' Special Friend
16.07.20 Down Through the Roof


Open the Book


Some of our Open the Book visits - everyone enjoys the parts they play!

Open the Book Further Information

If you would like more information about the work of Open the Book, please see the link below.

External Link Icon Open the Book website