Class 1 have enjoyed learning about famous explorers such as, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, as well as learning about the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world.
'Explorer Bear' encoraged the children to think about the items that they may need if they were to go to Antarctica or Space, and between us we established that the items would be very different, although Oxygen may be required for both expeditions!
We also explored simple map reading skills and enjoyed discovering 'precious stones' on our mini treasure hunt.
I am pleased to say we conclusively decided that wood and metal would be good materials to use for making a boat, and that paper would not be!
Maths and English were also linked to the topic; exploring, 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, as well as using corresponding resources for sharing, halving, doubling, multiplication and division problem solving.
This term had been about exploring 'Cold Climates', and it was a lovely surprise when one of our classmates brought in hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy on the last day of term, as well as Miss Ryder making pancakes for all too! Thank-you, we thoroughly enjoyed both treats and it warmed us up too!