Woodthorpe Garden Centre
Class 1 have had a fantastic trip to Woodthorpe Garden Centre today as part of their new topic this term, which includes a 'Memorable Experience'of 'The Scented Garden'.
The staff enthused the children into learning about various plants, most of which were scented, and included 'Rosemary, Mint, Lavender, Freesia's, Sage and even Smelly Cat! Guess which one was the least favourite?
The children then enjoyed the Dinothorpe and play area before having lunch, and finally took on the challenge of finding the castle in the maze, where they had to help Mrs Payne not to get lost! Phew, thanks Class 1!
Before returning to school, the children were given 3 plants each to take home, one of which they had helped to plant with a member of staff from the garden centre. It was a very generous gift from Woodthorpe and very unexpected!
Now Class 1 can put into practise all their learning about looking after plants, and being super gardeners!