Roald Dahl Books
In English, the Year 3 and 4s have been looking at different Roald Dahl Books.
First, we looked at the 'Enormous Crocodile' where we were discussing the story as a group and then did a storymap to help us see the main events in the story.
Then we went on to 'George's Marvellous Medicine'. For this we were looking at the list of ingredients that went into George's medicine. This lead into us looking at a recipe for a Chocolate cake and how to write a recipe. After this we thought about our own cake recipe with lots of original ingredients, such as brussel sprouts or rotten eggs, which the children got to come up with their own idea and had to write a list of ingredients and a method of instruction of how to make their cake.
Journey to the River Sea
For English, the Year 5 and 6s have been exploring the book 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson. We have based all our work so far, on this book.
Firstly, we looked at writing a story. Then we went on to look at how the author has used language and underlined different areas, such as, speech and descriptions of people. After this, we wrote our own letter as if we were a character from the book and had to explain events.
Next, we researched Brazil, as the story is based around a girl living in the Amazon. We had to do research so that we could create a leaflet as part of our English lesson and our Homework. The leaflet was created for 'Maia' the main character from the book.