Our Curriculum Intent
At North Cotes CE Primary School, we are committed to working towards our vision. The curriculum we provide plays a pivotal role in helping us along our journey.
As an inclusive and welcoming federation, we are dedicated to nurturing every member of our school community through challenge and support so that they can flourish and grow within God's family. From the platform of our shared Christian values, we pursue excellence in all we do so that each person can have life in all its fullness (John 10.10). Our safe, reflective and creative learning environment sets high expectations for all, as we work together to create a community in which all are valued, respected and hopeful.
General Principles
If children understand the purpose and value of their learning then it will enable them to flourish, and become reflective learners who take ownership of their education journey. To encourage children to aspire to the challenges and enjoyment of their learning in order to pursue excellence and live life in its fullness.
We want our children to be able to be free to express their views or ideas whilst respecting the opinions and beliefs of others, through the use of our vision and underpinning Christian Values. Through our links with the local community and beyond, we provide children with opportunities to experience and explore their own spirituality and be respectful towards other beliefs and faiths.
To provide a nurturing environment, to allow all children to develop self-esteem and confidence in their own abilities, whilst recognising that people are good at different things. This will enable them to build respectful friendships.
Pupil Voice
To nurture and encourage all children to have the courage and confidence to make a positive contribution to the school and local community.
By providing a curriculum which offers all children a memorable experience at the start of every topic that excite, promotes and sustains children's interest and therefore promotes learning. Our curriculum is designed to promote problem solving and creativity.
We recognise that outdoor learning is beneficial to a child's holistic development and so plan learning opportunities in the woodland area and outdoor classroom. Developing partnerships with external providers that extend children's opportunities for learning i.e. music teachers, sports coaches, D&T, life-skills; promotes a greater enrichment of the curriculum.