Starting School
North Cotes CE Primary school admits children in the Autumn Term at the beginning of the academic year prior to their fifth birthday. This gives entry to school each September for those children born between 1st September and the 31st August of the following year, both dates being inclusive.
To apply for a school place for your child in Reception at the beginning of the next school year, you will need to send a completed Common Application Form to schools admissions at Lincolnshire County Council, or you can apply online, which is the County’s preferred method. As a voluntary controlled school, we apply the County Council’s Admission Policy. Details of this policy and more general information about the admissions process can be found by clicking the link below.
Mid Year Admissions
If you are thinking of making a midyear admission, please contact the individual school, contact details can be found on the Contacts section of our website. We welcome visits from parents and pupils and can help you though the process of transition.
To apply for a midyear place you must either telephone and request a paper application from Lincolnshire County Council or apply online. Applications can be made any time of the year. If you apply on line for a midyear place you will receive the outcome of your application by email.